Morning Buzz

David Lintner

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  • Dr. David Lintner

    Dr. David Lintner, who’s also an alum of the Cornell lacrosse team, founded the 7s for 7 tournament in Drew Webb’s honor. Dr. Lintner is Head Team Physician for the Houston Astros as well as Team Physician for the Houston Texans. Here he’s pictured addressing the tournament audience with information about re:MIND and how the organization and its support groups can help families and individuals impacted by depression. 

    From: 7s for 7 Tournament: Honoring Drew Webb
  • Matt Streibel, Dr. David Lintner

    Matt Streibel (on left), Princeton and Major League Lacrosse midfielder with Dr. David Lintner, tournament founder. Matt never met Drew but he came down to the first tournament to give a clinic and bonded with Drew’s friends and family. He is a big fan of the tournament and has returned many times.

    From: 7s for 7 Tournament: Honoring Drew Webb