Morning Buzz

Mailbag - April 2015

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Brenda and Greg Cauthen built this model railway.

She’s all aboard with this story

I am writing to express my delight in reading the entertaining article, “Making Tracks,” by author Millie Hast [Making Tracks: Couple recreate Colorado railroad in backyard, February 2015]. I had recently met Millie and found her to be an interesting and interested-in-life sort of person. The article she wrote for this February issue caught my eye as I have a grandson, age nearly 5, who is wild about trains. I could only imagine how he would go bonkers over that fabulous backyard wonderland. Millie’s description of the way in which it came to be and what it includes is really enticing.

I truly enjoy the issues you produce and look forward to receiving them. Thank you for adding this bit of pleasure for all of us.

Nancy Lucke

Editor’s note: Thank you for the kind feedback. We thought Greg and Brenda Cauthen’s backyard train was too impressive not to share. If any of you missed the story, you can see it here.

Another train-story fan

I loved reading this article [Making Tracks: Couple recreate Colorado railroad in backyard] in your last issue! Thank you, Millie, for providing a glimpse inside the Cauthens’ amazing railway. I haven’t been to their home since the last Wine and Tapas and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the photos and wonderful description of this charming railway.

Kristi Coffey

They’re reading Travel Buzz out there

Hello, Tracy. With sincere hope, [I hope] you are as pleased with the Travel Buzz article, Enjoying the best, preparing for the worst, February 2015 [by Tracy L. Barnett]. Without soliciting, more friends, and strangers, have either commented on the fabulous article and/or forwarded copies. Your following is very strong.

Thank you including for us. It was fun walk down memory lane for us to participate.

Patricia Rauch

Editor’s note: We are glad you are as big a fan of Tracy Barnett and her Travel Buzz stories as we are. Thank you for sharing the tale of your trip to Croatia – and the unfortunate hotel-van wreck on your way to the airport at the end of it.

Family happy about couples article

How fun it was to see my cousins, Michael and Allyson Patronella, on the front of The Memorial Buzz magazine [Perfectly Mismatched: Together ’cause opposites attract, February 2015, by Andria Frankfort]! It was the topic of one of our family gatherings! You picked a great couple to share the events that lead up to their marriage! Thanks again. We truly enjoyed reading their story.

Bessanne Maida

Editor’s note: While the Patronellas were on our Memorial cover, this article about couples with opposite personalities ran in all four Buzz magazines, and, judging from the feedback, it was an especially popular story.

Young writer proud of story

We got The Buzz in the mail yesterday, and we were so excited to see the article [Buzz Kidz: The Year of the Sheep begins, by Utah Jong, March 2015, The Tanglewood/River Oaks Buzz].  Thanks again for this opportunity. Utah was bursting with pride when he saw it, and he learned a lot while writing and researching the article.

Janice Long

Editor’s note: Utah wrote a great story. If the rest of you know a kid or teen who would like to write for The Buzz, email [email protected] for details.

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